The king david
primary school
A message from the Headteacher
King David School is a jewel in the crown of the Birmingham Jewish community. Its outstanding standards in the secular curriculum, the vibrant ethos and integration of Orthodox Jewish values, and the positive atmosphere of co-operation and harmony, all set in the context of a multi-cultural school in the heart of Britain's second city, make it a unique example for education, and indeed, society itself.
Visitors to the school often comment on the happy atmosphere, the strong sense of community and the excellent relationship that exists between staff and pupils. If you would like to experience this for yourself, do please contact us to arrange an informal visit.
I look forward to meeting you.
Steve Langford

King David Primary School Birmingham
Tel: 0121 449 3364
Email: enquiry@kingdavid.bham.sch.uk
Web: http://www.kingdavid.bham.sch.uk